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Out of State Visitor Injured in a Kentucky Motor Vehicle Accident

What should you do if you are an out of state visitor injured in a Kentucky motor vehicle accident?  If you are injured in Kentucky as an out of state visitor or while passing through, or have been in an accident with a person who is is an out of state resident you will need … Continued

Truck Accident Insurance and Investigative Teams Are a Primary Reason to Hire an Experienced HLH Louisville Personal Injury Attorney

The experience and and investigative teams are a primary reason to hire an experienced HLH Louisville personal injury attorney.  There are significant differences between a car accident which involves passenger vehicles and a truck accident.  The injuries are usually much more severe when a commercial vehicle or large truck is involved, and the insurance surrounding … Continued

Contact Us

Louisville’s Most Established PI Firm

Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

231 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40207
Telephone: (502) 583-9701
Toll-Free: (866) 583-9701
Fax: 502-589-1144
Louisville Law Office Map

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We've Handled All Types of Personal Injury Cases In The Following States as well as Canada and Mexico

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