Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Facial Injuries from a Nursing Home Fall

Has a loved one suffered facial injuries from a nursing home fall?  Kentucky nursing homes are required to meet a high standard of safety and care for their patients.  Many nursing home falls resulting in serious injury occur due to the failure of the medical staff to ensure the safety rails of a bed are fully engaged.  Understaffing in many nursing homes results in patient neglect, and loved one’s are forced to attempt to get out of bed on their own to use the rest room or seek water or medication.

Nursing homes are supposed to provide a safe environment and to develop a safety and treatment plan for each and every patient in their care.  These facilities are required to provide handrails and safety bars in appropriate areas, ensure proper lighting and keep the floors clean and free of slip or trip hazards.  Unfortunately, the CDC recently reported the average number of falls in nursing homes across the United States is still more than 2 falls per be in each facility each year.

Facial injuries from a nursing home fall demonstrate the force with which the patient struck the floor or another obstruction in the room.  This could signal more serious injuries such as concussion or traumatic brain injury.  A fractured orbital socket, nose or other facial bone is extremely painful and can have a dramatic effect on a patients well being.  These injuries can affect the ability of the injured patient to sleep, eat, think or even eat.

If you or someone you love has suffered head or facial injuries from a nursing home fall in Louisville or anywhere throughout Kentucky we invite you to contact the personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH).  Our law firm has represented injured people and their families since 1924.  Our attorneys have decades of successful trial experience and injury work resulting in substantial jury verdicts and insurance settlements.

Contact HLH or call (866) 583-9701 to speak personally with one of our experienced injury attorneys for a free consultation.  There is no cost to our clients out of pocket.  We work on a contingency fee arrangement.