Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Accidents and Injury in a Parking Lot

Many Louisville motorists underestimate the risk of accidents and injury in a parking lot.  Parking lots present substantial risk for motor vehicles, motorcyclists and pedestrians alike.  Space is always a premium for real estate developers and parking lots are not designed to be spacious and safety oriented.  They are often dark, not very well lit spaces where visibility is limited and the movement of people and vehicles is nearly constant.

Many drivers tend to go too fast, and are often distracted as they check their cell phones for messages or lists associated with the store or business they are visiting.  The sharp turns and tight corners associated with parking can limit visibility for the driver.  They may not ever see the pedestrian, motorcycle or stopped car just around the corner until an accident has already occurred.

Accidents and injury in a parking lot can actually be legally quite complex.  A pedestrian is no match for a moving vehicle and a person who is hit by a car in a parking lot often suffers serious injuries including broken bones and fractures, head injuries and soft tissue injury.  In many cases the benefit of the doubt will go to the pedestrian, but there are often questions of responsibility, and the amount of negligence each party contributed to accidents and injury in a parking lot.

The experienced personal injury attorneys at Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC (HLH) each have decades of experience in these cases.  We thoroughly investigate all aspects of the accident and protect our client’s rights while seeking full and fair compensation for their injuries.

Many insurance companies are going to downplay the severity of accidents and injury in a parking lot.  “They weren’t going that fast,” or “Your injuries aren’t that severe” are excuses they will use to attempt you to settle quickly for far less than you need or deserve.

If you have suffered injuries in a parking lot in Louisville or anywhere in Kentucky HLH invites you to review the recommendations of our clients and the legal industry and contact us or call (866) 583-9701 for a free consultation.  There is no cost to you out of pocket for our services as we work on a contingency fee basis.