Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Where fault doesn’t matter: PIP claims

There are a wide variety of different options a motorist who is the victim of an auto collision may have for seeking out compensation for injuries and other harms suffered in the crash. The availability of some of these options depends on who was at fault in the crash. Today though, we will be talking about a compensation option where the issue of fault is not a factor: Personal Injury Protection.  Read below to see why PIP claims are an important benefit.

PIP insurance coverage is a type of no-fault insurance coverage in auto insurance policies here in Kentucky. Having PIP coverage allows a person to receive compensation for necessary reasonable medical expenses and lost wages that came about from injuries suffered in a crash, regardless of where fault for the accident resides. Thus, making a PIP claim to their insurance company is one of the actions Kentucky car accident victims sometimes take following a crash.

Now, there are some limitations to PIP coverage. For one, there is generally a $10,000 limit on the amount of PIP benefits a person can receive in relation to an accident.

Also, disputes sometimes arise between a person making a PIP claims and their auto insurers over how much in the way of PIP benefits they are entitled to in relation to their accidents. Such disputes can arise out of things such as insurance interplay issues or disagreements over what medical treatments are reasonable and necessary to address a person’s accident injuries.

Thus, just because PIP claims don’t involve issues of fault does not mean such claims cannot have complexities and challenges associated with them.

Our firm understands how much PIP benefits can help a person following a car accident. We can assist car accident victims with PIP claims and disputes that arise for them.  We’ll help them work to get all of the PIP benefits they are entitled to.

Tags: Car Accidents