Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

Dogs and distracted driving – part 2

As we mentioned in our last post, there are many ways a driver could be distracted by a canine passenger. One thing that can help make a dog less of a distraction to a driver is the dog’s movement being restricted.

Thus, one dog-related distraction prevention step drivers can take is to get a pet restraint system for their dog and have their dog be in the restraint system whenever it is a passenger of their car. Such systems can keep a dog out of a driver’s area, which can make it less likely that a driver’s attention will be drawn away from the roads by the dog.

Helping to prevent dog-related distractions for drivers is not the only benefit the use of pet restraint systems can have. Having a dog properly restrained can also help keep a dog safer when it is a vehicle passenger.

Now, not all pet restraint systems are equal when it comes to the degree to which they help with the issues of pet safety and distraction reduction. Also, what pet restraint system is best suited for a given dog may be affected by the dog’s size. Thus, it can be worth doing a bit of research when picking out a pet restraint system for one’s dog.

Given the benefits pet restraint systems can have for distraction prevention and pet safety, one might expect that most drivers would have their dog in such a system when their dog is in the car with them. However, in the survey we mentioned last post, using pet restraint systems for their dogs was something only 16 percent of respondents indicated that they did, despite the fact that 84 percent of respondents indicated that they had taken a variety of auto excursions with their dog. Thus, it appears that use of pet restraint systems on canine auto passengers is not as common as one might hope.

Why do you think there aren’t more drivers who use pet restraint systems for dog passengers?

When a driver lets something else in their vehicle, such as a pet, distract them, and an innocent person is hurt as a result, the hurt individual may have legal recourse against the driver. Attorneys can give guidance to distracted driving crash victims who are wondering if they have such recourse.