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How Do the Accident and Injury Attorneys at HLH Earn Their Fees

What is a “contingency fee” and how do the injury attorneys at HLH make money? A contingency fee means that our law firm is willing to take a fee that is “contingent upon” or based upon the outcome of your case. There is no cost to you out of pocket up front. If we are not able to achieve a settlement or victory at trial, there is no fee. When our law firm successfully achieves a financial settlement or verdict in your case, we are paid a percentage of that amount called a contingency fee.

At Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC we have decades of experience in accident and injury cases. We do not accept cases unless we are confident that we can achieve a positive outcome for my client. We are responsible for fronting almost all costs associated with our cases. Those costs are recovered at the end of the case out of the proceeds of the settlement or verdict. In some cases it is necessary to work with experts who can support our case with pertinent facts that help the jury to understand what exactly happened to our clients, and who is responsible and liable for their injury or wrongful death.

Experts and Accident Reconstruction

We have worked with accident reconstruction specialists who re-create the scene of the accident and pertinent facts that convey a sequence of events, or help to prove our case. In the event of severe and permanent injury, it is necessary to work with economists and financial experts to develop a “Life Care Plan”. Our team of experts develops a plan for the rest of the injured client’s life to ensure that modifications can be made to their home and vehicles, and to provide for all medical treatment, physical and occupational therapy and in-home care they will require for the rest of their life.

You Only Have One Opportunity to Resolve Your Claim

It is important to understand that we only have one opportunity to resolve financial compensation in your case. We cannot come back to the insurance company or responsible parties down the road and say “additional treatment was needed, so there are more costs.” As your advocate, we do all of the work necessary to be fully prepared to document the extent of your medical costs, lost wages, as well as the impact the injuries and associated suffering has made upon your life, and the lives of your family and loved ones.

Insurance Companies Need to Know That Your Attorney Can and Will Go To Trial on Your Behalf

The largest percentage of these cases are settled before going to trial. If we are not receiving fair treatment or an offer that reflects the extent of the injuries and pain we have borne, we will take the case before a jury and seek a verdict. Insurance companies keep track of an attorney’s record over the years including how many cases they have taken to trial, and the amount of the verdicts they have successfully achieved. They must know that we are prepared, willing and able to pursue the case all the way through to a jury verdict, in order to receive the best possible settlement of your case.

Contact Experienced Accident and Injury Attorneys Who Work on a Contingency Fee Basis

If you or someone you love has been the victim of an accident resulting in injury or a wrongful death in Kentucky we invite you to contact us for a free consultation at (866) 583-9701. We are experienced personal injury attorneys with a proven track record of success and the recommendation of the legal industry, our peers and, most importantly, our clients. Let’s discuss what has happened in your life, and how we can work together to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact Us

Louisville’s Most Established PI Firm

Hargadon, Lenihan & Herrington, PLLC

231 Breckenridge Lane, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40207
Telephone: (502) 583-9701
Toll-Free: (866) 583-9701
Fax: 502-589-1144
Louisville Law Office Map

Areas We’ve Served

We've Handled All Types of Personal Injury Cases In The Following States as well as Canada and Mexico

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